Thursday, December 24, 2015

Concept of Rebirth: From Sahaj Marg Literature by Chariji Maharaj

Topic of Rebirth from Sahaj Marg Literature: Conversation between Chariji Maharaj and Babuji Maharaj

"We were talking in a general way of liberation, liberated souls, past life and so on.

When talking of past life, I asked Babuji Maharaj what could be the time interval between two births, or rather between death and rebirth.

I told Master that I had read somewhere that souls with good samskaras, which have however to be reborn, are reborn almost immediately, whereas the souls with bad samskaras remain suspended in limbo, as it were. Master said this was not correct.

According to Master it was the soul with bad samskaras which was reborn soon, some almost immediately too, whereas the ones who were good had usually to hang around awaiting the creation of circumstances suitable for rebirth. Also, good souls were reluctant to be reborn and avoided this as long as possible. He then pointed to certain human examples where a soul had to wait several hundred or even several thousand years before taking rebirth."
Taken from Chapter-5, Yatra Vol-1

More clarification from Dr. Kannan: 

Rev. Chariji Maharaj has mentioned that the grossest soul takes immediate rebirth. He was explaining that it was the Samskaras of the soul and it chooses the parents. When asked, "Should it not be the Samskaras of the parents that they should get such a child or children?" Rev. Chariji Maharaj replied, "It is the soul which decides. You see, before a seed is sown, the peasant tills the ground, manures and prepares the land and then only the seed is sown. Similarly the Soul chooses the proper environment for it to descend." And went on to add, Lord Krishna also says the same in the Bhagavad Gita.

Further elaboration: 

Actually one need not worry about rebirth. Rev. Chariji Maharaj has said that it is another opportunity given to us for attaining liberation. No law gives this many opportunities, but God in His infinite wisdom and compassion goes on giving more and more opportunities for us to evolve higher and higher.

Also if one cannot pass the lower class how will he get through the higher classes?  So, looked from this perspective, even rebirth is a gift. This is what Rev. Chariji Maharaj told us once.

Rev. Babuji Maharaj said, "Why don't you think that this is your last birth?"

So you see, all the Masters of Sahaj Marg are positive in their approach that instead of condemning rebirth, one should take it as another opportunity to go higher and higher.

Also think of the great Masters like Buddha who said that he would not like to get liberation till the last soul is liberated.

Rev. Chariji Maharaj also told us once that the work or the mission of the Master is not over till everyone is liberated.

Such is the noble task and large heartedness of the Masters of Sahaj Marg.

What determines the birth of a child? Science or Genetics in particular may say different things. But, please consider this:

Is it the father or mother or the environment or something else, which determines the birth the child?  In the texts on Ayurveda, like CHARAKA SAMHITA discuss on this.

If it is environment, then how is that those living in clean and palatial buildings do not have children?  On the other hand those living in huts or streets get healthy children.

If it is the parents, then there are many men and women who do not beget children.
Even if father or mother is having deformities (like dumb, deaf, blind, lame...) and the child is born without deformities. But even if the parents are without deformities, the child may be born with deformities (including congenital heart disease or other problems).

So what is the cause?

The ancient Rishis in the text say it is one' s KARMA. Sahaj Marg calls this SAMSKARAS. Patañjali also calls it by another term Vaasanaa. But Karma or Samskaras, it cannot be seen or understood. The laws of Karma are inexorable, says Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita.

Rev. Chariji Maharaj once mentioned, how can one explain the fact that four children born to the same parents are different, though born and brought up in the same environment? One becomes doctor, one an actor, one lawyer, one a rogue. In many places children are born even without milk to drink? Why? Sometimes the father or mother is very intelligent and the son is dull. The opposite is also there.

What does science say? Spirituality says, Sahaj Marg says it is due to one' s Samskaras. This is popularly called KARMA. The Karma is three fold:
  • Sanchita -- acquired through eons of time.
  • Praarabha -- that which has started from the time of this birth.
  • Aagaami -- which is yet to come. Future. This depends on what we do now.

The Masters of Sahaj Marg lay importance on the present moment, as we cannot change the past. Swami Vivekananda says: past is past. But out of the past comes the future. So the Present determines the future. The Masters of Sahaj Marg advise us to live in the Present.

How is it possible?  Simple. Attach your self with the one who always lives in the Present. Well that personality is only the Great Master.

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